Notes 1. I’ve used a variety of potatoes over the years and this works great with all types, including baby potatoes. High starch potatoes will yield a fluffier inside, whereas waxy potatoes are a bit less fluffy but are sort of creamy. You’ll love both! You can make these with smaller or medium potatoes. Small ones – size of a golf ball or smaller – will come out crisper (like finger food, you can pick them up), whereas larger ones have the same crispiness on the surface but you get more fluffy potato on the inside because they don’t get squished as thinly. I like them both ways! 2. Flavourings: If you add garlic or dried herbs into the butter, it has a tendency to burn so you end up with black bits and they can be bitter. If you’re really keen for garlic flavour, use the side of your knife to smash 2 cloves so they burst open. Place in small saucepan with butter and melt, then leave to infuse with garlic flavour. Discard cloves and proceed with recipe. For herbs, add a generous amount (dried or fresh) into the pot of boiling water so the potatoes get infused with herb flavour. Discard herbs and proceed with recipe.